Users Segmentation in OnsiteSupport

User segmentation can give you a better understanding of your client base. For example, you might need to segment customers by different parameters that can be added to a user using custom fields. Or you might want to create a list of newly created users for the past month or the most active users in your community center.

All users in OnsiteSupport (end-users and agents) can be managed in Menu » Users in the agent interface and shows all accounts (active, not activated, banned, etc) in your community.

Create New Segment

In order to build a custom segment, please use grouping, sorting and filters options at the top or if you have many conditions to set as parameters do the following:

  1. Click Edit under Options on "All Users" list;
  2. Set a specific number of conditions based on user registration, latest activity, custom fields, etc.
  3. Define what sorting option would be used in the segment. The final segment also has custom table columns that would provide additional information on the user account, limited maximum to 5 to be displayed.
  4. Hit Run for getting one-time results.
  5. This list can be exported to Excel or CSV file under Options.

Here is one of the examples - you need to show all newly registered users for the past month. That's how your conditions look like to run segmentation:

Users can be also organized into teams based on specific system permissions or by some criteria.

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